Author: CallNowPsychic

Ian Parkin is the author of this article. This is a specific branch or method of astrology that focuses on the archetypal principles and energies associated with astrological elements such as planets, signs, aspects, etc. Explore symbolism and the psychological patterns represented by astrological symbols and configurations. Astrology is a form of divination based on the idea that information about the future or a person’s personality can be discovered by examining the alignment of stars, planets, moons, and comets. Astrology attempts to explain the influence of these celestial bodies on human affairs.The practice of astrology has been common since ancient…

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Horoscope astrology is most helpful when you want to make more precise predictions based on your horoscope. Using the exact time of your birth, the exact date of your birth, and the specific place of your birth, you can get more accurate predictions from the zodiac. Christina Aguilar is a verified author of this guest post. The original meaning of the constellation is “observer of the moment” in Greek. This is why people use the word horoscope when they want to know their future. A constellation chart is a chart of deep space over a specific place at a specific…

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This week’s horoscope will be dominated by Gemini energy and a lot of social activities. The Sun enters Gemini and the Moon enters Scorpio this morning, creating an interesting energy dynamic. Gemini has a relaxed and adaptable personality, while Scorpio is passionate and focused. In this process, finding the balance between these energies will be key. You may need to navigate between exploring new ideas and delving into emotional issues without feeling overwhelmed. With the Moon in Scorpio, emotions may also be more pronounced and sensitive. Pay attention to how you express your feelings and the feelings of others around…

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Spiritual melody is the verified author of this interview. Psychic Melodie is a gifted reader of Kasamba who believes that people have the inner power to change and shape their lives.She has taken many courses in different mystery schools and through countless one-on-one sessions with her clients, she has provided deep insight and clarity to empower her clients from the deep. In this interview, Psychic Melodie shares with us insider information about her gifts, self-empowerment, and advice for those seeking spiritual counseling for the first time. Q&A with Kasamba Psychic Melodie Tell me about your background, experience, and greatest spiritual…

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In my latest psychic predictions for June 2024, my predictions cover topics from Hollywood, to international politics, science and medicine, to the intimate realm of love and relationships. Each of my predictions are designed to keep you informed of future events that will shape our world in the coming months. Whether these predictions bring warning or good news, I write them to help inspire and guide you. Hollywood A long-time respected actor known for his charisma and versatility will make headlines with a surprising new role that challenges their typical genre, bringing both acclaim and controversy. The unexpected reunion of…

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Has anyone ever told you that you are too happy? Or has anyone ever told you that you smile too much? My guess is probably never. So why is it that whenever we experience a negative emotion, whether it’s sadness, despair, or melancholy, we’re often told that the emotion has a time limit and that we need to get over it. Expressing feelings of loneliness, sadness, fear, or just plain unhappiness is also inherently taboo in today’s society. My brother died when he was 12, leaving such a huge void in our lives that our family grieved his death for…

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I’ve always loved thought-provoking stories. One of my favorite songs when I was seven years old. Its profound wisdom has stayed with me throughout my life. Here’s the thing: In a dilapidated cabin in the woods, there lived an old lady of about 85 years old. Due to her advanced age, daily life was difficult, but this lively woman knew she had to continue to survive. One day, while she was out gathering wood for a fire, she was approached by a mysterious wizard. “Good morning,” the wizard said. “I have good news for you. Today is your lucky day!…

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Ian Parkin is the author of this article. The Hierophant Tarot is full of symbolism and shrouded in mystery. It profoundly reminds us that tradition and change, authority and freedom, collective wisdom and personal exploration are constantly dancing together. This spiritual middleman may nudge you along well-trodden paths or urge you to forge your own path. The presence of the Priest calls you to deepen your understanding and broaden your perspective. The Hierophant Tarot is located in the fifth position of the Major Arcana and is the embodiment of wisdom, tradition and structure. But in numerology, 5 represents change, freedom,…

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As spiritual beings in human form, we are often influenced by our willful selves. Many of us can be particularly stubborn when we want something (or someone) desperately, causing us to lazily focus on that thing or person to the exclusion of other things. Even as the spirit gently nudges us in another direction and the universe patiently whispers, “No, that’s not your purpose,” we still stubbornly cling to our obsession. God, Source, Spirit, Divinity only wants what is best for us and the Universe will never deny us that which serves our highest good. In Bible readings, messages from…

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I recently completed the first part of a two-month exercise in a year-long advanced spiritual development course I am currently taking. The actual testing was quite challenging even for experienced psychics, but overall, I’m happy to say, everything went well. One of the tests required us to channel a stranger through a video call, with the goal of perceiving the details of that person at different stages of their life. In other words, we have to know the important details of who they were as children, teenagers, 20s, 30s, 40s, etc. Before I did my test reading, I prepared myself…

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