Author: CallNowPsychic

The new year has arrived. Determination, new goals and a positive outlook…yeah, that’s my usual pattern. This time, however, I found myself feeling tingling. Last year was tough, so maybe that’s to blame. Or maybe it’s something else. Instead of focusing on all the new things that were coming, I spent a few days meditating on all the things that never seemed to go away. For example: :: Impostor syndrome suddenly kicks in and makes me want to run away.:: The insatiable craving for sugar.* An old family feud has been reignited by a man who refuses to drop the…

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“Communication can bring couples together, or it can tear them apart.” —Orson, Orson-Hick, and Larson, “Couple Examination”In the intricate dance of love and partnership, communication is both the orchestrator of harmony and the harbinger of disharmony. It is the glue that binds hearts and the blade that cuts ties. It doesn’t take a relationship researcher to understand that communication plays a critical role in the success or failure of a relationship.Research does show us that 40% of people in happy relationships claim that communication is the most satisfying aspect of their relationship, while people who are divorced often cite a…

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The meaning of childhood home in dreamsDreams can sometimes feel like time travel – pulling on memories to help people revisit people and places from their past. In fact, an extremely common dream is of a childhood home or another place the dreamer lived while growing up. But what exactly does it mean to dream about your childhood home?The answer will change depending on the dreamer. After all, everyone has a different history and feelings about the place they grew up in, and dreams may draw on these personal experiences. Therefore, dreaming about your childhood home can bring up a…

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Welcome to #Decklust! This is our newsletter that is sent out (semi-)regularly to tarot enthusiasts around the world. To get #Decklust in your inbox and be the first to hear our news, subscribe here . Hello, Phew…summer. Beaches, BBQs, and nights when the sun never seems to go down. Sweet sweet peas, poetry and festivals…oh. I love it all…sometimes it’s just a little too much and I want to curl up with mugwort tea and read to myself. See what I mean? West Asia’s tarot cards are here! After a long wait, Thea’s Tarot, Ruth West’s 1984 paper-cut tarot deck—full…

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November 22-23, 2023 Venus in Libra Opposing Chiron in Aries. Chiron in Aries is our identity trauma. Venus determines our relationships with the world, especially in one-to-one relationships. Venus in Aries opposing Chiron will expose the tension between our identity wounds (“Who am I?” “Do I have a right to be here?”) and our desire to be liked and appreciated by others (Venus in Libra) Tensions. Venus opposite Chiron – face to face with wounds Every time we’re in a relationship – any relationship – There’s a delicate struggle between staying true to who we are and fitting in with…

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This article touches on a recent UC Berkeley study on the relationship between sleep and relationship conflict, pointing to the importance of developing good self-care habits. It is one of the most important tools for maintaining a healthy relationship. Here are some tips from Dr. John Gottman on goal setting and stress management. The following content will help you find balance and create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your relationship. Goal Setting Tips Make your goals specific and measurable. Rather than telling your partner that you want to talk more, suggest a specific activity you can do together, whether…

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I’ve received a lot of messages expressing confusion about password-protected posts, so I hope this article helps clarify. Yesterday’s post titled “How to Survive Criticism and Pitchforks (2024 Schedule Planner Add-on)” is password protected because it is for those who have ordered the 2024 Schedule Planner add-on, explains here. In short, as is tradition, I offer optional add-ons to those who subscribe to the annual Metaphysician’s Day planner. In 2024, this is that password protected post. This post is outside the “post scope” specified on my blogclosed circuit”. All Closed Circuit blog posts are archived here: For information on…

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Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on January 20, 2024 It will stay until 2043/44! (Except for a brief period when it returns to Capricorn from September 2 to November 18, 2024.) Therefore, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about twenty years. Pluto has 248 solar cycles.Pluto in Aquarius Contents* internal usePluto was last in Aquarius between 1778 and 1798. That period is known as the Revolutionary Era because we had the American Revolution and the French Revolution. The first vaccines were developed in 1796 by injecting children with cowpox, which was certainly groundbreaking for the medical world. Prior to this, from…

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When my daughter was first born, we were faced with the dilemma of one parent quitting their job, hiring daycare, or finding alternatives.The first option isn’t actually an option. Let’s face it, whether you want to be a stay-at-home parent or not, the economy doesn’t always support it. Since this income was needed, we looked into daycare…it was almost 2/3 of our income. So this became an unfeasible option.Enter the grandparents. I’ve heard that in other cultures, raising children is a family affair. for real.A complete, hands-on platform, let’s get started! I’m not sure how effective it is. My mom…

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It has been three years since I created the Knight-Waite Tarot deck.This is truly a labor of love and I can’t wait to unleash it! It’s set to launch in 2023, but why not take a first look at the cards below? We have no affiliation with Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights to which are owned and/or controlled by Penguin Random House Inc.Any similarity in trade names is purely coincidental: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way associated with Rider-Waite,Ryder-Wait Tarot, or Penguin Random House Group. Come check out my Celtic Cross reading! Source link

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