Author: CallNowPsychic

January Astronomy Plan: Plan for good times and more challenging times January 2024 Barry Rosen Highlights: Mercury trines Jupiter on January 19th January 28 Venus trine Jupiterth Jupiter is ascendant in D9/Navamsha chart until February 1Yingshi. Mars in Sagittarius until February 5th; Mars Burning Ends on January 16th Jupiter trines Mars on January 12th. Sun in Sagittarius until January 14th January 14-February Sun in Capricorn 12th Vedic holiday – Makara Sankranti, January 14, marks the beginning of the business year. Sun in Abhijit Nakshatra January. 19-24thth Except for the new moon, the week of January 8-14th Jupiter’s trine to the…

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In this episode, I join Dr. Dave and Dr. Liz on the Stronger Marriage Podcast to discuss relationship stability strategies. I discuss the profound effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy in stabilizing relationships. Additionally, I recognize the benefits of utilizing John and Julie Gottman’s research to maintain healthy relationships.Based on this discussion of emotionally focused couples therapy and relationship dynamics, here are some key actionable steps you can take:Relationship Stabilization Strategies:Understand relationship patterns:Move from blame to self-reflection:Rather than just blaming your partner for the problem, consider how your behavior contributes to this pattern. Reflect on your needs, fears, and insecurities in the…

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Here are my latest psychic predictions! This year will be full of surprises and unusual events. Politically speaking, we will see historic changes in the world. Some good, some bad. So no matter where you live in the world, you too will feel the impact of these upcoming events. Through it all, I will keep you informed and let you know what to expect before it happens! I hope you enjoyed my latest psychic predictions! Hollywood A famous Hollywood star will make a surprising career change, steering away from show business toward an unexpected and unconventional new path. A nearly…

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The whole earth is waiting for our chorus.All the rocks and trees trembled with the song of life.All plants and those living under the roots hum.Angela Magala, from Psalm 114, earth poetry timehe is fourth and the last Sunday before winter solstice,it is third Christian Advent Sunday. If you are joining our Global Prayer Circle for the first time (It’s never too late, not until after the final lighting!)or if you would like to go over the general steps of this Sun Wheel celebration, please visit here. If you are counting down Christmas only,This is third Candles and their representations…

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On Monday, November 27, 2023, we will have a Full Moon at 4° Gemini. I’ve always loved full moons in Gemini, and have noticed that astrology enthusiasts seem to enjoy them too. We, curious minds and seekers of truth, thrive on this energy. Think about it. The Sun is in Sagittarius. philosopher. saint. And the moon is in Gemini. Weird prank. Forever student. Gemini-Sagittarius is the alchemist of knowledge. When the Sagittarius Full Moon occurs, a whole world of opportunity opens up before us. Full Moon in Gemini – Explorer Gene There is a lot to explore. There is much…

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In today’s society, where social bonds are seen as fundamental to human life, the shrinking circle of close friends among adult men is becoming a growing concern. As a psychotherapist who has spent 20 years specializing in men’s issues and relationships, my colleagues and I have seen this phenomenon firsthand. We are worried. Research highlights a shocking reality: Men are less satisfied with their friendships than women. Less than 50% of men are satisfied with their friendships, and only 20% receive emotional support from friends in any given week, compared to 40% of women. The decline in male friendships often…

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1st House: Identity and SelfThe 1st house is ruled by Aries and Mars. It covers everything—first impressions, getting started, and leadership. The sign along the cusp (initial edge) of this house when you were born is your ascendant or rising sign, which gives you clues about how to express yourself in the world.The 2nd house represents income, values, and possessionsThe second house is ruled by Taurus and Venus. If you are here at Full House, you may find that having material security is very important to you. This house rules your material possessions, including income and money, but it also…

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The 2024 New Moon in Capricorn occurs on January 11 at 6:57 AM ET. This new moon is pure potential. What do you want to embody? Is there an ambitious goal that makes your heart flutter? This is where you need to go. After all, goats are not content to rest in the safety of pasture. Instead, they are willing to climb steep mountainous terrain because they know the views are better at the top. At this time, bold ambition prevails. What you believe in, you can achieve. Set your sights high and move forward with courage! Shortly before the…

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Take a moment to think about what you want 2024 to look like. Good health and vitality. Reach your ideal weight. No bad habits and toxic relationships. Energetic. Rich in every way. With promotions you are following. in your new home, or drive your new car. Find the love of your life. Seeing your loved ones safe, happy, and healthy. Complete a Ph.D. Write that book. Get accolades in your career. Watch your business expand. Travel the world. Had a baby. The possibilities for positive thoughts are endless. Every piece is in your hands. Every thought you have is directed…

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this New Moon February 9, 2024 Located at 20° in the 3rd house of Aquarius. Aspect: Square Uranus. Stellar: Nashira in Goat’s Tail. Asteroid: Cupid. Tarot Card: 7 of Swords. Healing Crystal: Blue Lace Agate.February 2024 New Moon Contents* internal usefebruary new moon Located in Aquarius Decan 3The February 2024 New Moon promises to reveal paradoxes and provide insights into how to resolve them. Take the archetype of the humanitarian mother, who excels at raising other people’s children, not her own.Princess Diana embodied this lunar alignment (her moon was in this decan), boldly pushing the boundaries of acceptable behavior for…

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