Author: CallNowPsychic

In marriage, many women believe lies about their role. Some women see their role as no more superior than that of their husbands, and some hold a wrong view of submission.The word “obey” can cause tension in most rooms. However, from a biblical perspective and biblical approach, this word should not cause an increase in tension.Instead, God created a unique marriage between man and woman. Everyone has their own role, but they don’t compete, but complement each other.It is important to reflect on these truths rather than reject them. Women don’t need to believe lies about their role in marriage.…

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The holidays can be a time of joy, celebration, and family gatherings, but they can also cause certain stresses and challenges for couples. In our recent interview with renowned couples therapist and author Dr. Stan Tatkin, we explore how to maintain and strengthen secure relationships during this often tumultuous time.Stan Tatkin, Ph.D., PsyD, MFT clinician, researcher, developer of the Psychobiological Approach to Couples® (PACT), best-selling author of In Each Other’s Care (4/25), and author of Relationship Must Haves Books, connected for love. Dr. Tatkin introduces us to his innovative PePPeR technology, an invaluable tool for couples looking to anticipate, plan,…

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Overcontrol, defined as excessive or maladaptive self-control, can cause serious problemsin our relationship.People with overcontrolling traits may not be aware of their behaviorLeads to relationship problems, or may not know how to make changes.ableIt’s not bad to have high self-control; it can be a very good thing.People with strong self-control oftenVery concerned about what happened.It’s important to look at what areas of your life you are good atOver-control can lead to problems, rather than changing everything about yourself. Am I overly controlling? Do you consider yourself a perfectionist or do others think so? Are you an all-or-nothing thinker? Do you…

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“Oh my gosh, you’re so cute!””You are my man.””thanks for all you have done.”Girl, there are so many things we could say that would really make our husbands’ hearts melt. I mean, what man doesn’t want to hear how adorable and amazing he is? Well, let me start by saying that there are no one-size-fits-all words to affirm your man and allow him to slowly become yours, but there are three words that will not only encourage and support him as a man, husband and father, but Will help him continue to be strong and become the man God has…

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Roots of Vedic AstrologyWhile many people use the term “astrology” as a blanket term, it is actually a practice and field made up of many different systems, with Western astrology being the most common form in English-speaking countries. Another system less used in Western countries is Vedic astrology, although it is equally prominent and influential. Both forms have their own insights and advantages, and both can be quite accurate. In fact, they can actually be used together to gather more useful information about your life than you can use them individually.”Veda” means divine knowledge or insight. It has its origins…

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I started my career making alien animals and sci-fi worlds as a way to escape everyday life and heal from the cruelty of the world. But now that I’m older, I’m brave enough to explore this in my work.julia richi When Zeke’s Arcana landed in my inbox, I was stunned. Pink cards with psychedelic graphics, queer space creatures with really great hair/skin color combinations, quirky items with laser eyes and heads, and animal helpers (yes, pink tigers!) and you’re at your best Universal feeling of cool status galactic day rave you never imagined. Julia Rich is a creative powerhouse, not…

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e-mail WhatsApp LinkedIn Twitter messenger Facebook Astronomical weather in early January New Moon in Sagittarius, January 11, 6:57 AM ET The New Moon in Sagittarius on January 11 is one of the best new moons of the year. New moons tend to bring lower energy fatigue and mental exhaustion, requiring us to rest more.In Sagittarius, the Moon is more optimistic about new beginnings, forming a broad trine to its dispositor Jupiter in Aries, and Jupiter is ascendant in the D9 chart/Pada 4 until February 2ND. The New Moon is also around 27 degrees Sagittarius, which in Vedic astrology is an…

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Tarot divination began in Europe in the Middle Ages. Tarot cards were originally used for entertainment. But as time went on, people began to use playing cards for divination and prophecy. This is how tarot reading became today. The principles of tarot card divination Tarot readings are usually performed using tarot cards, which are divided into two groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards represent major events and influences in life. The Minor Arcana cards represent daily events and influences. When doing tarot readings, readers use spreads, or a way of arranging the cards. The…

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This will be a series of personal reflections on my life experiences, interactions with my mainland Chinese in-laws, and the culture clash that came with it. I’m Taiwanese-American and my family has always been the greenest* politically. Taiwanese and Chinese have a long history of hostility toward… continue reading Culture Clash and In-Laws I: MIL Source link

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Whether we realize it or not, someone is watching us. There are people supporting us. Someone who just wants the best for us. Help may come unexpectedly. Or when we ask. The point is to be aware of and appreciate all of our unseen angels. All the souls who reach out to us when we fall. Who gives us a shoulder to cry on. Or offer words of kindness and encouragement in dark times. “You are never alone. There is always someone, somewhere on this earth, by your side. There is always someone who cares about you and feels your…

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