Author: CallNowPsychic

Weekly horoscope for all sun signs in India today see- which-signs-have-lady-luck-smiling-for-them-2490863-2024-01-21 Book a phone tarot session to gain insight into 2024. …continue reading → Source link

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The star Fomalhaut is located at 3° 52′ Pisces In fish of the south. It is located between its eyes and the fish itself, which is located at the feet of the water bearer. This star was originally part of the constellation Aquarius, as mentioned by the Greek astronomer Aratus in 270 BC.Fomalhaut is “Aquarius’ feet are big and bright.” It makes sense to me that Fomalhaut is part of the constellation Aquarius, as it forms part of the fixed cross of the four archangels; Michael (Aldebaran), Raphael (Regulus) and Oriel (Antares). Fomalhaut is the human Gabriel. Everyone else is…

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Understanding Spiritualism Spiritualism is a way for people to get guidance and answers in their lives. But many people have questions about the accuracy of these readings, how much they cost and how to prepare them. In this article, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about spiritism. Are psychic readings accurate? Psychic readings are based on the psychic’s ability to connect with and understand a person’s energy. The accuracy of a reading depends on the skill and experience of the psychic, as well as the type of reading. Some psychics may be more accurate than others,…

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I get a lot of questions about tarot cards. Typical questions are “What deck should I get?” or “How do I find the right readers?” But recently, someone asked me, “What do you do if you don’t like your tarot client?” This is An interesting question, so I thought I’d answer it here. Short answer: It depends. Sometimes the person at your desk has an annoying personality. For example, maybe they are loud or their laughter makes you uncomfortable. You might be tempted to come up with a deck that contains nothing but tower cards, but that’s not the right…

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e-mail WhatsApp LinkedIn Twitter messenger Facebook Focus on Astrology: Mars Conjunct Mercury 27TH We get the third pass of the Mars/Mercury planetary war, with Mercury winning the war and conjunct exactly at 959 AM ET on Saturday, January 27th. Mars and Mercury are rivals because Mercury needs to win through intelligence, while Mars is too action-oriented to win a war of words. Quarrel and irritation can arise between the two, and this feeling is especially felt by Gemini and Virgo rising, and by Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius rising. If you don’t find a way to release your anger and conflict,…

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Welcome to #Decklust! This is our monthly newsletter sent to tarot enthusiasts around the world. To get #Decklust in your inbox and be the first to hear our news, subscribe here . Hello friend. September arrives with misty mornings, followed by warm, bright days and nights with a slight chill in the air. The Super Moon in Pisces brings strange and ominous dreams to everyone. This was the age of beach trips and drag shows, the birth of new queer poetry groups, street coffee.I went back to school this week with a new notebook (and stethoscope!) * New things *…

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new year. The new you. New spread! The new year is the perfect time to go all out and try out a big, eye-catching tarot deck like the one below…so make some hot coffee, light all those candles and smelly incense, and put on some hypnotic drum music ( Or is that just me?) Let’s dig in… I’ll be posting my 2024 Tarot Prediction Readings soon (use this spread!)…stay tuned ♥ Wishing you all the best in 2024 🙂XOXOKate Please check your email to confirm your subscription Source link

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January 2024 is an extraordinary month. Pluto enters Aquarius very boldly – Can we emphasize this entrance enough? – marks a very important transition in your chart from Capricorn to Aquarius. Things are really interesting because the first three weeks of the month are very interesting Capricorn is full of energy – Sun, Mars, Mercury, then Venus all in Capricorn – But then January 20, 2024 When Pluto and the Sun enter Aquarius, everything seems to change. With strong Capricorn and Pluto energy, January 2024 is the perfect month to make full progress on your New Year’s resolutions and goals.…

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1 – Find light in darknessThe spiritual significance of the Cold Moon is that it is a time to celebrate the light in the darkness, especially when the darkness is at its darkest and especially cold.This spiritual metaphor speaks to a time in life that feels like a “dark time,” and a particularly grim time at that – a time when the world feels more harsh and unforgiving than other times.I don’t always like to mentally think about times like this in my own life as I relax at night, but it’s helpful to do so occasionally because it’s in…

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Michele Knight-Waite is a renowned, award-winning astrologer and psychic. Once voted “Britain’s most popular psychic”, she is a media personality, best-selling author and regular astrology columnist for various magazines. Today, you can also find her on Instagram and YouTube, where her generosity of spirit shines through. I love that she put her many talents into creating a modern tarot deck based on RWS that combines photo collage art, cameos from some of our favorite historical figures, and the familiar Pamela Coleman The portrait of Pamela Colman Smith blends into one. High Priestess Card. There are noteworthy graphic design elements here…

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