Author: CallNowPsychic

e-mail WhatsApp LinkedIn Twitter messenger Facebook Venus in Sagittarius – January 18 to February 11 Venus enters Sagittarius on January 18thH It has a broad transit due to the passion of Mars in Sagittarius and its trine to Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter/Venus connections (i.e. Venus in Sagittarius) increase expansion, happiness, and overspending, and while they often feel good, you might spend too much money at the mall, or eat too much cheesecake at a party.Mars and Mercury transit in Sagittarius until February 5th and February 1Yingshi This energy will be exaggerated. Taurus and Libra rising will have some challenges during…

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Let’s see what insights, ideas, and suggestions these cards offer us for the week ahead!For this week’s reading, I’m using my trusted Everyday Witch Tarot deck…. Have a great week 🙂XOXOKate Please check your email to confirm your subscription Source link

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Tarot cards and Capricorn signCapricorn is ruled by Saturn and is the tenth sign of the zodiac. It begins around the winter solstice on December 22nd and lasts until January 19th.The Sun’s entry into Capricorn marks a critical point in its annual journey, at which it begins its rotation back to Earth, bringing warmth, light, and renewal during the sunny season. Yet even in winter, the sun’s dormant passion and warmth smolder beneath Capricorn’s surface.Part of the earth sign triad, Capricorn exudes pragmatism, perseverance, and self-discipline. As the overachievers of the zodiac, they are naturally strong and hard-working, especially when…

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Weekly horoscope for all sun signs in India today see- which-signs-have-lady-luck-smiling-for-them-2488010-2024-01-14 Book a phone tarot session and gain insight into 2024. …continue reading → Source link

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Come together and let breakthroughs free you. Watch the doors of heaven open to you and your mind obey the discipline of your spirit. Are you ready to finally take control of your life and maintain and develop your unique spiritual truth? When you realize that you can’t take your old self with you, it’s a double-edged sword: it’s bitter when you leave the hell of pain, but it’s sweet when you step into the door of blissful paradise. When you step into a state of spiritual truth, you open yourself to new hopes and possibilities, accept the blessings the…

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Let’s shuffle the deck and see what energies, opportunities, and challenges this week brings for us!I’m using Paulina Tarot For this reading… ***Get your free tarot planner right here*** Have a great week!XOXOKate Please check your email to confirm your subscription Source link

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About Mittabhan Spiritual Consultant and Holistic Therapist whose services include tarot card readings, crystal healing, Reiki, amplification healing, animal therapy spiritual counseling, and meditation and self-discovery workshops. Mission to provide you with as much knowledge as I can possibly feel, see and read to help you find peace and clarity in your world. Ultimately, you are the master of your own destiny. Readings and therapy appointments are only available by appointment in person/phone/email Source link

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Peace on earth and goodwill to all.Without exception. IIf you’re not ready yet, it’s time to light the last Advent candle. Thank you to everyone who joined us this year to make our Sun Wheel 19th Anniversary Celebration the biggest and best yet. May all your days be happy and bright. PS: This week’s card will return on January 1st. Take my own advice and observe a day of serenity this week. Thanks. amazing peaceby Maya Angelou Thunder rumbles over the mountain passLightning rattled the eaves of our roofs.Floodwaters await us in our streets.Snow falls on snow, falls on snow,…

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Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Chanda Parkinson, author of Meditation for spiritual development and new Meditation and Tarot. Tarot cards are the poetry of the universe. These cards so completely and beautifully capture the essence of human beings going through an incredibly complex series of events throughout their lives. My personal daily tarot readings provide me with an opportunity to remember and reflect on the fragile beauty of change, cycle, and mystery in this life. As an introvert, I am always looking for ways to connect with my personal tarot decks. Over time, I discovered ways to…

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Here’s my latest love horoscope for January 2024 Aries (March 21st to April 20th) There may be some trust issues in your current relationship. It’s crucial to have open and honest conversations with your partner to address any concerns or insecurities. If you’re looking for a partner, trust your instincts when meeting new people. Take your time in relationships; get to know a person thoroughly before opening up. Taurus (March 21 to May 21) This month, financial issues may affect your romantic relationships, but remember, love is not measured in money. Don’t let financial challenges destroy your relationship, but work…

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