Author: CallNowPsychic

Numerology and the Age of 8In numerology, 2024 is the 8th year. This number can be calculated by adding the individual numbers in 2024, that is, 2+0+2+4=8.8 years can build your strength and help you overcome challenges. It allows you to put into action all the discoveries you make about yourself and your life during 2023 (the 7 years of meditation). This is a good year to receive the material blessings you deserve. You will experience what it feels like to soar through the sky as you achieve hard-won goals in love and career. Get ready to be the busiest…

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Learn about the financial changes coming this month and gain insight into your financial future by exploring the January 2024 Money Horoscope February 2024 Money Horoscope Aries (March 21st to April 20th) Aries people may experience fluctuations, ups and downs in their financial journey. It is recommended to exercise caution when making major financial decisions and aim to balance expenses. Building a financial cushion for the future is a smart strategy. When Jupiter enters your first house, brighter prospects await you, leading to better income. However, it is important to exercise restraint and avoid unnecessary spending. While Saturn’s transit through…

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This post contains affiliate links and Amanda Linette Meder will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking these links.Tarot cards are divided into two main categories; Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Moon Tarot Card is part of the Major Arcana of the Standard Tarot deck.The Major Arcana is a set of 22 cards among the 78 tarot cards, starting with card 0: The Fool and ending with card 21: The End of the World. It is generally believed that the cards in the Major Arcana depict major life events and lessons, while the Minor Arcana is more…

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full moon januaryEach full moon has its own meaning, name, and purpose. When a full moon occurs, it can challenge people in unique and personal ways, depending on where it is in someone’s natal chart. Each full moon brings challenges and changes. Fortunately, it also brings unique opportunities and insights. Therefore, consciously working with the Moon may lead you to achieve your greatest manifestations.The Wolf Moon is the first full moon of the year, and its qualities can be seen at all lunar phases throughout January.The influence of moon phasesThe moon has four main phases during its 28-day cycle, from…

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It has been three years since I created the Knight-Waite Tarot deck.This is truly a labor of love and I can’t wait to unleash it! It’s set to launch in 2023, but why not take a first look at the cards below? We have no affiliation with Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, the rights to which are owned and/or controlled by Penguin Random House Inc.Any similarity in trade names is purely coincidental: we are not licensed by, endorsed by, or in any other way associated with Rider-Waite,Ryder-Wait Tarot, or Penguin Random House Group. Come check out my Celtic Cross reading! Source link

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